每一天, 做出的决定会影响到我们所有人——法律, 规定, and other policy choices that have the potential to make our communities safer, 更健康的, 更公平的, 为充满挑战的未来做好准备.
If these decisions are to be practical and effective, they must be grounded in facts and evidence. If they are to be just and 公平的, everyone in the community must have a voice in their making. Thus science and democracy are indispensable partners in ensuring that public decisions serve the public interest.
But the public interest doesn’t necessarily align with the interests of the powerful. 结果是, science and democracy are often targeted by those who see their bottom lines or political power at stake. These attacks do real harm when they succeed—and those of us already carrying the heaviest burdens, 有色人种社区和贫困人口社区, 受到最严重的损害.
The Center for 617888九五至尊娱乐与517888九五至尊娱乐 at the Union of Concerned Scientists works for strong, 独立的公共617888九五至尊娱乐, 一个健壮的, 透明的517888九五至尊娱乐, 为负担过重的社区伸张正义, and the effective use of science in making policy that serves the common good. 你可以帮忙.